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Mulligan Stories

Every golfer has a story of the putt they holed, and of the drive that was long and straight. Not every golfer, however, has a backstory that grabs one’s attention. EDGA has pulled together a library of player stories that inform and inspire.

The mixed-media approach allows visitors to this page, to consume a story in whatever way best suits their needs. Audio, text and images together provide a vibrant snapshot in time that reveals the human spirit and can fuel the can-do attitude that is inside every one of us.

Feature: Ann is changing lives in Kenya



During a golf session for youngsters at Kenya Railway Golf Club you can hear the shouts of joy as children with a disability play on a golf course for the first time. “Watching the kids sharing something special as they play golf together, it makes everything worthwhile,” says Ann Wangui Irura. “These children should have a voice and be able to join in.” more…

Ellen Larsen: "Golf is my meditation"



“Through golf you keep social, physically active and get a good brain workout,” explains Norway’s Ellen Larsen who, after back surgery to help a long-standing neurological condition, has a weakened left leg and mobility problems.

“Golfing is my meditation… I do not do yoga, I play golf! I have learned to focus on what I can manage, instead of the opposite.” more...

Latest article: Eliseo's story of resilience



Being a paratrooper, Eliseo Villanueva was more equipped than many to handle adversity. The severe injury to his dominant left arm on the training ground in 1993 was just one part of the challenge left by military life. He says: “I can say that golf has been a lifesaver for me… It calms me down, it makes me focus, it drives me to get better, and it has enhanced my life in so many ways.” more…

Ctry: All

Remarkable Individuals

About the authors

All of the interviews contained in this EDGA profiles section have been instigated and produced by EDGA's chief writer Ben Evans and President Dr Tony Bennett.

Ben is a member of the Association of Golf Writers, and is the former Editor of magazines Pro Shop Europe and Golf Business Development. In recent times, he has written extensively on the many golfers with disability who play in the EDGA community.

Dr Tony Bennett is Head of Disability & Inclusion for the International Golf Federation and is volunteer President of EDGA. Tony is a Master Professional of The PGA (GB&I), and recently completed his PhD. in Philosophy at Durham University, drawing on many of these articles in his evidence-based research. Tony was chief writer EDGA's book ‘Mulligan’, 18 remarkable stories of golfers who refuse to be defined by disability, edited by Ben. The high-quality EDGA image archive complements all of these stories and is the work of Sue Bennett, EDGA’s Photographer and a passionate volunteer and ambassador for this not-for-profit organisation.

The writing and production of each piece here is the work of Ben and Tony, with a good number of audio articles supported by engineering specialist Martin Maynard. Our team wishes to thank everyone associated with EDGA for their valuable input, including its member National Golf Federations, partners and, most of all, the players and their families.


'tough love and second chances'


EDGA's first book is now available!

MULLIGAN 'tough love and second chances' is comprised of 18 personal accounts of players with a disability competing in golf, every story demonstrates how the power of the human spirit can move people to achieve their goals despite significant obstacles.

The EDGA "Give & Gift" campaign

For every donation of 25€ or more, EDGA will give a book to a hospital, rehabilitation / medical centre, or organisation to ensure that anyone who needs a lift, is able to read the inspiring words of MULLIGAN. As a token of our appreciation, we'll gift another book for you to keep and enjoy.

Available - NOW more.....

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