Consultant AHP/Physiotherapist (Retired)
Strategic AHP Lead Stroke Rehabilitation (Retired)
Honorary Associate Lecturer (Retired), Queen Margaret University
Research Interests
Research background/discipline
Other information
Graduated as a physiotherapist in 1980.
Worked in intensive care for 5 years at the University Hospital of Bordeaux.
Then worked as physiotherapist in the town of Villenave d'Ornon (suburb of Bordeaux)
Was a physiotherapist women's rugby team for 13 years, including 1 in the French team.
Member of the French Association of Golf Physotherapist.
Member of the French Disabled Golf Association (Handigolf France).
Classifier for French Golf Federation (paragolf)
Since April 2002 – to present Adjunct Professor Physiotherapy Degree - University of Siena
Since February 2009- to present Adjunct Professor Master in Sport Physiotherapy University of Siena
Private practitioner in Siena Tuscany - Italy
Since 2016 - to present Physiotherapist Female and Male Golf National Team and Paralympic
Work Experience
Since 1988 Working as a Private Practitioner
1996 to 2005 professional collaboration with Mr. Mino Damato in Romania for the planning of social and humanitarian interventions in HIV children.
Since April 2002 – to present Adjunct Professor Physiotherapy Degree -University of Siena
Since 2014 to present Head of Physio Team Golf Alps Tour
2007: Master of Science in Healthcare Rehabilitation Professions University of Pisa.
2002: Bachelor in Phisiotherapy University of Siena
1985: Therapist of rehabilitation Diploma University of Milan
Fecha de nacimiento: 3 de Octubre de 1.952
Lugar de nacimiento: Madrid
D.N.I.: 375.502-G
Domicilio: c/ Julio Palacios, nº 6
Teléfono: 91.733.6998
*Formación Académica:
. Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía, por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid en 1.976.
. Especialista en Medicina del Trabajo.
. Concesión del Diploma de Medicina Aeronáutica Básica, por orden ministerial nº: 1463/78, en el Centro de Investigación de Medicina Aerospacial, en 1.978.
. Concesión del Diploma Superior de Medicina Aerospacial, por orden ministerial nº: 522/02867/81, en el Centro de investigación de Medicina Aerospacial, en Noviembre de 1.981.
. Curso de Médico Examinador Aéreo, según disposiciones al Convenio de O.A.C.I. ( Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional), en Agosto de 1.985.
. Concesión del título de Médico de Vuelo, por el Departamento de la Fuerza Área de los Estados Unidos ( Escuela de Medicina Aerospacial de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos de América. Base Aérea de Brooks. San Antonio, Texas.), de acuerdo a la Regulación 60-13 ( Air Force Regulation. United States Air Force Flight Surgeon Wings).
. Aerospace Medicine Primary Course ( B30BY9351 000, PDS CODE WSU) otorgado por la Escuela de Medicina Aeroespacial de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos.
. Curso de Supervivencia del Statement of Field Survival Training, del Departamento de la Fuerza Área de los Estados Unidos, Escuela de Medicina Aeroespacial de Brooks. San Antonio, Texas.
. Certificado de Vuelo ( Air Training Command, 559 FTS, Base Aérea de Randolph de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos, Texas ), en el Avión T-37B, de Entrenamiento Básico de Caza y Ataque.
. Certificado de Entrenamiento Fisiológico de la Escuela de Medicina Aeroespacial de la Fuerza Área de los Estados Unidos, Brooks A.F.B., San Antonio, Texas.
. Certificado de la Fuerza Área de los Estados Unidos otorgando el nivel de conocimiento y comprensión del inglés (88) del E.C.L.
. Concesión del Diploma del Primer Curso - Seminario sobre Investigación de Accidentes de Aviación, otorgado por el Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Aeronáutico y del Espacio y de la Aviación Comercial, el 27 de Noviembre de 1.981.
Cronología Profesional:
. Ingreso en el Cuerpo de Sanidad del Ejército del Aire, por oposición en 1.977.
. Ingreso en el C.I.M.A. ( Centro de Investigación de Medicina Aeroespacial), en Octubre de 1.979
. Toma de posesión en el Instituto Nacional de Previsión, en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, de la plaza de Médico del Servicio de Urgencias, en Diciembre de 1.978. ( Interino).
. Toma de posesión en el Instituto Nacional de Previsión, en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, de la plaza de Médico del Servicio de Urgencias, por Concurso-Oposición, con carácter de propietario, en Mayo de 1.979.
. Toma de posesión, en el Instituto Nacional de la Salud, de la plaza de Medicina General, con carácter definitivo, en Madrid, en Marzo de 1.980.
. Ingreso en la Compañía IBERIA L.A.E. en Abril de 1.992, como Asesor del Director de Operaciones de Vuelo en materia de Medicina Aeroespacial.
. Concesión del Certificado del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo por el que se certifica la habilitación para desempeñar las funciones de Médico de Medicina General en el Sistema Nacional de Salud Español, y demás Sistemas Públicos de Seguridad Social de los Estados miembros de las Comunidades Europeas, según el artículo 7.2 de la Directiva 86/457/CEE, de 15 de Septiembre de 1.986 del Consejo de las Comunidades Europeas, y artículo 2 del Real Decreto de 4 de Junio.
. Ingreso en la Clínica Millenium ( SANITAS ), como Jefe del Departamento de Medicina Aeronáutica. Enero de 2.001.
. Traslado al Hospital de La Moraleja (SANITAS), como Jefe de Departamento de Medicina Aeronáutica (Octubre 2.006)
. Toma de posesión como Médico de Atención Primaria en el Centro de Salud de Mirasierra, del Servicio de Salud de la Comunidad de Madrid ( Marzo 2.009)
. Nombramiento como Director del Centro de Salud de Mirasierra del Servicio de Salud de la Comunidad de Madrid. ( Octubre de 2.011 - Abril 2016 )
. Vocal del Comité Antidopaje de la Real Federación Española de Golf.
. Vocal del Comité de Golf Adaptado de la Real Federación Española de Golf
* Docencia:
. Profesor Graduado en Enseñanza Militar Superior.
. Profesor encargado del Departamento de Medicina Aeronáutica en S.E.N.A.S.A., para los cursos de Piloto Comercial, I.F.R., Transporte, Control de Tránsito Aéreo, y Tripulante de Cabina de Pasajeros.
. Profesor de Medicina Aeronáutica y Actuaciones y Limitaciones Humanas en la Escuela AEROTEC de Pilotos.
. Profesor asociado en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid Escuela de Ingenieros Agrónomos, para el Curso de Seguridad en Vuelo, para pilotos agrícolas.
. Profesor asociado en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, en la Escuela de Medicina del Trabajo.
. Profesor del Curso de Investigación de Accidentes e Incidentes Aéreos del Instituto Iberoamericano del Derecho Aeronáutico y de la Aviación Comercial.
. Profesor del Curso de Investigación de Accidentes e Incidentes Aéreos y Seguridad en Vuelo del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial.
. Profesor del Curso de Seguridad en Vuelo del Cuartel General del Ejército del Aire.
. Profesor agregado a la Escuela Nacional de Sanidad.
. Profesor del Curso de Seguridad en Vuelo, y Actuaciones y Limitaciones Humanas, del Cuerpo Superior de Policía.
. Profesor del Curso de Medicina de Catástrofes, de la Universidad de Valencia, Facultad de Medicina.
. Profesor de Medicina Aeronáutica en Iberia L.A.E. y Aviaco.
. Profesor del Curso sobre Seguridad Aérea y Análisis de Accidentes. Universidad Carlos III. Getafe. Madrid.
. Tutor del Ilustre Colegio de Médicos de Madrid, para reciclaje de profesionales médicos
* Actividades actuales:
. Médico de Familia en el Centro de Salud de Mirasierra (Madrid) de la Comunidad de Madrid, con plaza en propiedad.
. Asesor médico- aeronáutico de la Dirección de Operaciones de Vuelo del Grupo Iberia L.A.E.
. Decano del Cuerpo Médico de la Organización Iberoamericana de Pilotos.
. Presidente de la Comisión de Medicina y Fisiología Aeronáutica del Real Aéreo Club de España.
. Delegado de España, en el Comité Permanente de Medicina Aeronáutica, de la Federación Aeronáutica Internacional.
. Representante de E.C.A. ( European Cockpit Association) en el Subcomité Médico de J.A.R.– MED.
. Asesor de la Comisión de Investigación de Accidentes e Incidentes Aéreos, de la Dirección General de Aviación Civil.
. Jefe del Grupo de investigación de Factores Humanos y Medicina Aeronáutica.
. Presidente, Secretario y Vocal de la Comisión Nacional de la Especialidad de Medicina Espacial, como representante del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo en la misma, ocupando dichos cargos desde su creación , hasta la actualidad.
. Consejero Científico de la Comisión Científica y de Investigación del Ilustre Colegio de Médicos de Madrid.
. Actividad Docente expresada anteriormente.
* Membresias:
Miembro de la Asociación Española de Medicina, Ciencias y Técnicas Aeronáuticas y del Espacio. ( Vicepresidente ).
Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Catastrófica.
Miembro del Instituto Iberoamericano del Derecho Aeronáutico de la Aviación Comercial y del Espacio.
Miembro de Aerospace Medicine Association. ( Membership Comitee).
Miembro de Honor de la Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina Forense, Criminología y Criminalista A.C. México.
Miembro de Honor de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Medicina Legal, Núcleo del Guayas. Ecuador. ?
Miembro de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Medicina Aerospacial.
Miembro Fundador y Segundo Vocal Titular de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Legal, Deontología Médica e Iberoamericana de Ciencias Forenses.
* Recompensas y Felicitaciones.
Premio " Vázquez Sagastizábal", por Orden Ministerial nº:
Felicitación del Hospital Provincial de Madrid, por la participación en el Simposium Internacional, sobre " Urgencias Médico-quirúrgicas Extrahospitalarias y Continuidad Hospitalaria".
Felicitaciones por diversos motivos, de Ejército del Aire.
Felicitación del Departamento Administrativo de Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia. Investigación del accidente aéreo ocurrido en Mejorada del Campo, Madrid, del avión de Avianca.
Felicitación del Centro para el desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial. Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo de España, por participar en la selección de los primeros astronautas españoles de la Agencia Espacial Europea.
Felicitación del BOARD OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION SWEDEN, por los trabajos desarrollados en la investigación del accidente del avión de la compañía Spantax en Málaga.
Concesión de la Cruz del Mérito Aeronáutico, con distintivo blanco, por orden ministerial nº: 723/00114/89.
Felicitación del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, por la asistencia técnica prestada al Proyecto MAINE sobre Mantenimiento Avanzado de Aeropuertos.
* Publicaciones:
Avión Revue, Jano, Revista de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica, Empuje, Mach 82, Revista de Operaciones de IBERIA L.A.E., Boletín de Seguridad en Vuelo de IBERIA L.A.E., Resúmenes de Congresos etc.
Coautor del libro: " Conceptos Básicos de Medicina y Psicología Aeronáutica para Pilotos ".
Colaborador del libro. “ Manual de Fisiología Aeronáutica “
Coautor del libro sobre : “ Primeras Jornadas Cívico - Militares de Sanidad “, del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo.
* Conferencias dictadas en:
Madrid, Sevilla, Santander, San Sebastián, Valencia, Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, Badajoz...
Lisboa, París, Panamá, San José de Costa Rica, Buenos Aires, Guayaquil, Quito, México, Aguascalientes, Las Vegas, Belgrado, San Salvador...
* Organización de Congresos:
I Jornadas Civico-Militares de Sanidad. 1.985
Jornadas sobre Factores Humanos. 1.989.
Cuarto Centenario de la Publicación del Tratado del Padre Acosta, sobre Medicina Aeronáutica.
Encuentros con la Medicina Aeronáutica. Carácter mensual
Prakash is the Director of Clinical Musculoskeletal Research at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago and Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Northwestern University. He is a Clinician Researcher in Sports Medicine.
Dr Jayabalan's clinical practice focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries in people of all ages. He also has specific clinical and research interests in degenerative joint diseases of the older athlete such as knee osteoarthritis and the optimization of physical activity in individuals with disabilities.
As a clinician-researcher, Dr Jayabalan takes clinical problems he sees in his patients and aims to find innovative solutions for them in the research lab. His research uses biomarker analyses (from urine and/or blood) to develop efficacious exercise regimens for people with musculoskeletal injury or disease. This fits into the future concept of individualized and personalized medicine, using someone's biological profile to find an appropriate exercise program for them. He has multiple ongoing National Institutes of Health (NIH) and non-NIH funded research projects with the ultimate goal of optimizing the performance, function and recovery of patients with musculoskeletal disease.
Growing up, Nikki was always passionate about two topics: anything medical and sports. The combination of the two was inevitable. She graduated as a Physiotherapist, cum laude, from UCT in 2002. After completing her community service year in the Northern Cape, she returned to Cape Town to further her career.
She worked for a number of years in a private hospital serving in and out-patient care. Nikki returned to her studies, completing multiple post-graduate courses including OMT1 (2008), dry needling and treatment of the TMJ. It is here that her interest in neck-related injuries sparked, completing her OMT thesis in the study and spinal treatment of Dizziness in Cervicogenic Patients.
A keen long-distance runner herself, having competed in multiple trail and ultra-marathon road events, she enjoys diagnosing and treating runners to return them to the road and trails again.
Nikki enjoys helping others improve their quality of life through exercise and is a stern believer in functional strength training.
Nikki is also the South African Disabled Golf Association’s Eligibility Assessor since 2016. She is involved in the assessment and classification of disabled golfers to classify for World Rankings as per the EDGA (European Disabled Golf Association) guidelines. She was invited as one of two South African delegates to attend the International Eligibility Conference in the UK.
Nikki is her happiest outdoors, on a mountain trail, surrounded by nature. She has a keen interest in photography and design.
Melissa received her clinical doctorate from AT Still University of Health Sciences, Master’s in Science in Physical Therapy and Certificate in Health Care Administration from Widener University, and her BA from the University of Notre Dame.
She practices at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab with 23 years of clinical experience and 17 years as a senior education program manager. She is a member of the US Soccer Federation’s Medical team and works with the United States Men’s Paralympic Soccer team for the last 7 years. She is a board certified orthopedic clinical specialist and received her Diplomate in Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment from the McKenzie Institute in 2011. She is a member of APTA and the Orthopedic section, a member of the Specialization Academy of Content Experts for Orthopedic Clinical Specialists in the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties and abstract reviewer for the orthopedic section. Melissa is a Mentor, Board Member and Co-Director of the NU-SRALAB Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency Program and teaches in Northwestern University's PTHMS program as an assistant professor. She has co-authored the recent 2015 book “A World of Hurt: A Guide to Classifying Pain” and published the recent article “Validation of a pain mechanism classification system (PMCS) in physical therapy practice”. Currently she is working on researching the outcomes associated with the musculoskeletal pain classification system discussed in clinical practice. Melissa is currently the Associate Director of Education and responsible for AbilityLab curriculum development. She is practicing clinically with an interest in spine care and treatment of patients with musculoskeletal pain.
Oliver is an orthopaedic and sports physical therapist based out of the University of Illinois Chicago. He received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Touro University Nevada in 2017, completed an orthopaedic physical therapy residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2018, and completed a fellowship in Advanced Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice, Research, and Education at Northwestern University in 2021. He is a board certified specialist in orthopedic and sport physical therapy through ABPTS and a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists.
EDGA Director of Eligibility
Roger is a consultant in Sport and Exercise Medicine and honorary lecturer at UCL in London and is the Executive Director of the World Golf Foundation sponsored, Golf and Health Project. He also serves on the Medical Committee of the International Cricket Council (ICC).
He recently retired as Chief Medical Officer of the PGA European Tour and was responsible for their worldwide operation, their advisory board and their research program. He is a member of the Medical Commission of the International Golf Federation (IGF).
Roger's main clinical interest is in the role of exercise and, more recently, the role of “sport” in health and has published widely on the role of golf in health. He has campaigned strongly for a team based “medical” approach to musculoskeletal problems and promotes the benefits of exercise and the risks of inactivity. He views golf as an ideal sport for those with a wide range of impairments which has led to his interest in helping to develop golf in this area.
Hi there! I'm Sam, a physiotherapist in Sunshine Coast, Queensland. My clinical interests are in both neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. I have a Bachelor's in Exercise Science and a Master's in Physiotherapy from Griffith University. I have diverse clinical experience including working as an NDIS provider and in a neurological rehab team at Toowoomba Base Hospital. I'm also an ASCA Level 1 Strength and Conditioning coach and love golf and tri-sports events. I'd love to help you feel your best!
*** For assessments please email: ***
Coleen is a Chicago, Illinois based female physical therapist who is specialized in Physical Therapy. Coleen currently works with the world famous Shirley Ryan Abilitylab in Chicago.
The Shirley Ryan Abilitylab claims to be the first-ever “translational” research hospital where clinicians, scientists, innovators and technologists work together in the same space, applying research in real time to physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Midwestern University DHS candidate defense completed: “Effect of Prevention Programs on Lower Extremity Performance in Youth Athletes: A Systematic Review”. October 2016
Revitalize IPTA Abstract Accepted/poster presented “Effect of Prevention Programs on Lower Extremity Performance in Youth Athletes: A Systematic Review”. April 2017
Manuscript accepted, Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach “Effect of Prevention Programs on Lower Extremity Performance in Youth Athletes: A Systematic Review”. April 2019
Affiliated with renown orthopaedic surgeon Thomas Myers, MD at Myers Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center, Dr Myers and Dr Brakeville have built a practice founded in their pursuit of excellence and guided by the principle: "I do not care how much you know until I know how much you care"
Drive for excellence has been the bases of Dr. Brakeville’s 30 plus years of experience. His specialty is in sports medicine and orthopaedic conditions that inhibit pain free movement.
His journey includes:?
Working with athletes from amateur to professional
Developed the sports medicine program for Cherokee County school system
Five-year clinical study in pediatric sports medicine and continued clinical innovation/discoveries in sports medicine with Dr. Thomas Myers. MD
Clinical site for several physical therapy programs across the country to include initial location for Emory University's orthopaedic residency program
Teaches at higher education institutions
MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , KUL 1992
Head of Department Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation AZ Turnhout, Belgium
TPI certified level 1 - 2014 Amsterdam
TPI certified medical level 2 - 2016 online course
Member of Medical commission Golfvlaanderen.
As a member of the EDGA board and Medical Committee from 2010, Professor Hans Arendzen has played a very important role in the development of golf for the disabled.
EDGA’s Tony Bennett talks with Hans about his career and some of the important milestones that have been achieved with golf for the disabled and his aspirations for the future.
Professor Hans is Dutch, lives in the Netherlands but his work has taken him to hospitals from the USA to the Dutch Antilles over a long and distinguished medical career. Playing golf as a student, he put the sport aside for 30 years before taking it up again with enthusiasm and becoming a decent club player. A teacher and mentor of his called Professor Wim Eisma has been a leading figure from the early days of EDGA. “Wim was my tutor for 20 years,” explains Hans. “In 2010 he contacted me and said, ‘do you know someone who likes golf and is interested in getting involved with EDGA?’ And I said, ‘Well… maybe… I am!’ ”
Born in Göttingen, Germany, in 1967
Medical studies at the University of Mainz
Teacher in vocational school for orthopaedic shoe technology
Training as a orthopaedics shoe technologist
Training as a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology
Teacher in vocational school for physiotherapists
Medical care provider at many national and international Tournaments (Solheim Cup, St. Leon Rot, Germany)
Worker for Golf youth and top sports at Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland Golf Association in Germany
Instant Change Certified Master
"Im very outgoing, easy to talk with and really looking forward to helping EDGA players."
Intrests in physiotherapy field
Golf Experience
Started playing 1991, became a Finnish PGA member 2010. Played pro golf at the satellite tours in Europe 2010-2014. Got my amateur status back at 2019.
After I ended my playing golf pro carrier (studied alongside), I started working as a physiotherapist 2015. Since then have worked with Esport Honka football team 2015-2019 years managing to get an Europe league qualification spot 2019. At the beginning of the 2020, I found IF Gnistan football team where I had a possibility to create something new with other team staff. I also work in Aava Orto-lääkärit, where I've been working now for almost four years, mostly with lower limb patient. I'm glad to have a chance to work with golf and with EDGA players.
A self-professed golf tragic, the only thing Fletch enjoys more than trying to maintain his shaky single figure handicap, is working with other golfers to help them participate and achieve their best.
Fletch travelled to California in 2016 to complete his TPI Certification through the Titleist Performance Institute, studying further to complete his Level 2 Medical Certification.
Combining his passions for golf and working with clients in the disability sector, Fletch has completed his All-Abilities Community Instructor Accreditation through Golf Australia and is an Eligibility Assessor for EDGA.
For more information and for assistance with assessments please visit
M: +61 491 949 340
Lee-Ann Clarke BSc(Hons), MSc Physio, MCSP, HCPC Physiotherapist
Completed a BSc(Hons) in Sports Medicine, followed by an MSc in Physiotherapy from the University of Glasgow & Glasgow Caledonian University respectively. I have over 20 years experience working across the NHS, elite sport and private practice. I am an advanced practitioner in Trauma & Orthopaedics and have many years experience in rehabilitation following life changing injuries and illness. I have recently held a senior leadership role in a local NHS Trust; leading a team of Allied Health Professionals in a regional inpatient rehabilitation unit.
Additionally, I have taught Pilates for over 10 years and spent time around golf clubs treating golfers with injuries and using Pilates based exercises to enhance Golf performance. It was stark how active & healthy people who played golf regularly appeared to be. Got me thinking about how Golf could be used as a form of rehabilitation for many of the people I would meet in my NHS job. Something I am currently developing in my local community.
I started playing golf for my own physical and mental wellbeing in 2019 and I am hooked! I have recently reduced my handicap into the teens and excited what this season holds!
I am thrilled to be involved with EDGA and Golf Ireland as a National Eligibility Assessor.
Dr. Michael Lu is an attending physician board-certified in both Sports Medicine and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R). He specializes in sports medicine and the diagnosis and treatment of non-operative musculoskeletal and spine conditions. He received his medical degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and completed his internship at MedStar Harbor Hospital. He served as Chief Resident during his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) and then stayed on to complete fellowship training in Sports Medicine at Northwestern University and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Dr. Lu believes in providing individualized care guided by each patient’s personal goals. His aim is to help patients maximize their function and return to the activities they enjoy. He welcomes all patients, from those looking to increase their activity, to weekend warriors and elite athletes. He takes a multidisciplinary approach to non-operative treatment including exercise, therapy, and procedures such as lumbar spine, peripheral joint, and soft tissue injections of the musculoskeletal system.
He has a particular interest in injuries surrounding racquet sports and adaptive sports. Dr. Lu has provided medical coverage for a variety of events including Northwestern University D1 Athletics, Baltimore and Chicago Marathons, SkyRise Chicago, and a multitude of adaptive sports teams.
Dr. Matthew Sherrier is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) and Sports Medicine. Dr. Sherrier's practice focuses on the non-surgical management of sports medicine and spine conditions, joint disorders, and tendon disorders. He specializes in the application of musculoskeletal ultrasound, non-operative interventional spine care, and electrodiagnostics.
Dr. Sherrier graduated from the College of Charleston and received his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina. He completed his residency in PM&R at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center where he served as chief resident, followed by a Sports Medicine fellowship at McGaw Medical Center at Northwestern University and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, IL. During fellowship, he served as a team physician for Northwestern University and has worked with adaptive athletes as a member of the US Soccer Paralympic Medical Team and an EDGA golf eligibility assessor. As a former division 1 collegiate athlete, Dr. Sherrier understands the importance of making the correct diagnosis and developing a comprehensive treatment plan that maximizes an athlete's ability to compete at their best. He is involved in both the Association for Academic Physiatrists and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.
Board Certifications: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine
A graduate of Queen’s University (MD, 1989), Dr Miller subsequently trained in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (U of Ottawa) and completed a fellowship in clinical neurophysiology (University of New South Wales, Australia) (1993/94) as a McLaughlin Fellow.
He is an Associate Professor in the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western, in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is the medical director of the musculoskeletal rehabilitation program at Parkwood Hospital, Director of the Electrodiagnostic laboratory, consultant physiatrist with the Hand and Upper Limb Centre, and Co-director of the Peripheral Nerve Clinic.
Tom is a past President of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. (CAPMR) and the current chair of the Canadian Research and Development Foundation (CPRDF). He is an examiner and the past chief examiner for the Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (CSCN), an Associate scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute, and the current co-chair of the Canadian Resident Education Program in Spasticity and the Canadian Spasticity Group (CSG).
Tom is an avid golfer with a passion for the game and its history. He continues to be surprised at what the game teaches us about ourselves and others. In the context of life and particularily those with a disability it is important to reflect on the words of Michelangelo who stated "the greater danger for most lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark".
Chief Medical Officer
Aava Orto-Lääkärit Medical Center
Annankatu 32
00100 Helsinki
Languages: |
Finnish (native), Swedish and English |
1992 – 2004 Finland Medical Association |
I have been a physio since 2002 and have worked in a clinic ever since. I have taken some biomechanical courses by TPI, by Dr. Robert J. Neal and by Ramsay McMater. I have work with the danish golf concept by for 5 years.
I have been a EDGA Asessor since 2014.
From 2009-2011 I was physio for Gentofte Hockey girls team, the played in the European Cup.
At the moment I am studying Biomechanical CranioSacral Therapi at to expand my treaments with soft techniques to help the body to heal.
I have played golf since 1983 and in 1989 I started playing for my club team that played in the best league i Denmark. With my team I have won gold, silver and bronze medals and learned how to be a teamplayer, how to play in tournaments and how the mental and physical game is impotant to stay focus.
I'm a qualified physiotherapist with 12 years’ experience, having graduated from Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, in 2010. I also completed my MSc degree in Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) at Trinity College Dublin in 2022.
I have experience working with a wide range of post-surgical orthopaedic cases, musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries patients. I worked as a senior physiotherapist in a private clinic in Jakarta where I had the opportunity to work closely with orthopaedic surgeons across Jakarta (Indonesia), Singapore and (Penang) Malaysia. In addition, I was in charge of the clinical supervisor role where I participated in the delivery of an educational program to the newly recruited and the junior physiotherapists in the clinic.
Senior Physiotherapist
Clinical interest in sport specific rehabilitation, chronic pain management and post-surgical rehabilitation.
Having arrived in New Zealand in 2015, Jonny has enjoyed working with clients of all ages. He trained at St George’s University of London and qualified in 2011. He initially spent over three years working and living in Singapore and learned much from his time working with the elderly, the critically ill, and sports teams.
He gained experience in Singapore with the National teams playing Rugby, Football and Cricket. In New Zealand, he has enjoyed seven years working as Head Physiotherapist for Waitemata RFC helping to manage players from injury to return-to-play. Jonny prides himself on fun, client-centred care and bespoke treatments for any client that walks through his door. He has a passion for sport, especially football (soccer), and will help anyone get back to where they wish to get to and further.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Sciences (Hons) Physiotherapy, Post-graduate certificate in Health Science.
Dr. O’Connor graduated from the University of Calgary medical school in 1998 and completed his Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Fellowship at the University of British Columbia in 2003. He is one of the founding physicians of GF Strong’s spasticity clinic and is medical manager of the GF Strong neuromuscular program and medical director of the EMG lab. He is one of the Physiatrist at the BC Centre for peripheral nerve injury and GF Strong’s SCI Upper limb functional restoration clinic (ULFRC).
He completed his subspecialty training in Electrodiagnostic Medicine in 2003 and further subspecialty training in Sport and Exercise Medicine obtaining the Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine diploma in 2004. He teaches medical students and residents daily during clinical time at GF Strong rehabilitation hospital. His special areas of interest include spasticity, peripheral nerve trauma and injury, EMG, transplant rehabilitation and sports medicine. He is involved in research in the areas of peripheral nerve injury, spasticity, and sport and exercise medicine.
Dr. O’Connor was Canada’s Chief Medical Officer for the 2014 Paralympics in Sochi and a team physician for the alpine team for the 2010 in Vancouver and Whistler. He was the Medical Representative for Paralympics 2010 and a VANOC Steering Committee Board member. He was the Editor and the Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine’s Athletes with Disabilities Handbook. He volunteers his time at sport medicine venues covering the 2007 Canada Winter Games, World Bocci Championship, 2006 Vancouver International Wheelchair Rugby Championship, 2006 Torino Winter Paralympic Games as an observer. He was the Director of Continuing Professional Development for the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of British Columbia from 2004 – 2010.
Current research areas include: Spasticity, nerve injury and nerve transfers, shoulder injuries in youth softball pitchers and suprascapular nerve injuries in chronic rotator cuff tears.
Outside of work he is the proud father of 3 and strives to be a good dad, husband and friend.
Vision and Eye Research Institute
Faculty: Faculty of Science and Engineering
School: Vision and Hearing Sciences
Location: Cambridge
Areas of Expertise: Health, social care and medical innovation
Peter is the Head of Visual Function and Physiology Research group at the Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). His areas of expertise include refractive error development, vision and reading, vision in sports, physical activity and its effect on physical and mental wellbeing and visual function in specialist populations.
Peter is the Professor of Optometry and Visual Science. In his research Peter collaborates with colleagues in the UK and in Australia, The Netherlands, US and Germany. He is an assessor and examiner for the College of Optometrists.
In 2013 Peter was awarded the Neil Charman Medal, one of the most prestigious awards in optical research, in recognition of his work on visual stress and the link between reading difficulties and perceptual distortion.
Lindsey is a orthopaedic physiotherapist based in Calgary, Canada and the owner of Fulcrum Physiotherapy
Lindsey graduated from the University of Alberta with a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy after completing a Bachelor of Human Kinetics from Trinity Western University. She has advanced training in dry needling, Strength and Conditioning, exercise therapy, and is pursuing a Diploma of Manual and Manipulative Therapy through the Orthopedic Division of Canda.
Dr. Pangilinan completed college at the University of Michigan, medical school and the Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1999, and residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Northwestern University/ Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (now called the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab). Immediately after completing residency in 2003, he joined the faculty at Michigan Medicine in the department of PM&R. He practice both in-patient and out-patient neurorehabilitation and is boarded in both PM&R and Brain Injury Medicine. In addition, he serves as the Section Chief for TBI & Polytrauma at the VA-Ann Arbor. His research interests include TBI and stroke outcomes. Last, he is an avid golfer.
Ilkiv Nazarii - master of physical therapy. Member of the Association of Physical Therapists of Ukraine. Took training courses at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. I work at EDEM CLINIC of Ukraine. I am engaged in practical and theoretical supervision of young specialists and students.
I work with neurological patients (TBI, SCI, stroke...), amputations, orthopedic problems. We also rehabilitate military personnel who were injured or wounded during the war. When working with patients, I always look into their future. The EDGA organization provides great opportunities for the socialization of our patients.
For its first episode, "EDUTRUC" receives Professor Mohamed Tricha to address the subject of inclusive education as a citizen action of the Tamkine Foundation. Inclusive education as the show envisions it is the inclusion of people with disabilities in the whole educational process: We are talking about inclusive education and not educational inclusion.
Through all of the functions exercised by Professor Tricha, and through his status as Ambassador of the Foundation and Director of its inclusive education program, and given that he meets dozens of young people in disability, we exchange access to education for these young people, from pedagogical and didactic accessibility to the time of inclusive education via the Tamkine Foundation program, and we are getting closer to the lived experience with disabled people whom Professor Tricha accompanies during sports activities dedicated to them, such as handi-golf and underwater archery.
INAS was established in 1986 by professionals in the Netherlands who were involved in sport and wanted to promote the participation of athletes with mental handicap in elite sport. more....
Members: c. 500,000
Founded: 1986
Area served: World
Key people: President — Marc Truffaut (France) Executive Director — Nick Parr (UK)
Formerly called: INAS-FID, INAS-FMH
Type of business: Non-profit organisation
Dr. Roberts graduated from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology. He then earned his Doctor of Physical Therapy from Lynchburg College. He did travel physical therapy in Denver, New York, Orlando, Chicago, and Dallas. The variety of clinical experiences and professional mentors sharpened Dr. Roberts’ skill set and clinical expertise.
Dr. Roberts has settled into Kansas City with his family and his passion for delivering the type & quality of care that his clients deserve has led to his own practice, RobertsPT. With certifications in Active Release Technique (ART), Titleist Performance Institute – Medical (TPI-M2), Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Dr. Roberts is able to provide specialized therapies for a variety of patients but has a special interest in decreasing pain, increasing speed, and achieving longevity in the golf community.
When not helping patients, Dr. Roberts enjoys spending time with his amazing wife & 3 kids, connecting with his church community, eating out with friends, and of course teeing ‘em up!
Specialist in orthopaedics, surgery and traumatology
Working with
Aava Medical Center
Annankatu 32
00100 Helsinki
Kanta Services
"When we see a patient, for example, due to a knee complaint, they may not necessarily have a completely clear idea of what kind of examinations and treatment they have already received. Perhaps the knee has already been X-rayed on the public healthcare side," explains Markku Varpela, Specialist in Orthopaedics, Surgery and Traumatology at the Aava Medical Centre.
"When the patient’s treatment information is accessible in the Kanta system, we can avoid unnecessary duplication of work. That way, the quality of care improves considerably."
More about Dr Markku at Aava website